Nwadir Anecdotes

PDF Textbook
A 100-page book contains several anecdotes, short stories and jokes.
The language of this book is composed of interesting tales, fables and stories to consolidate language acquisition.
By retelling and discussing the tales, students practice and acquire vocabulary, structures and grammar easily and implicitly. Therefore, we recommend teachers to use this book as a supplementary material beside the main syllabus of the Intermediate levels.
Price : USD $15
Author: | AbduSamad yousuf |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 18, 2022 |
My Access Book

Letters (group 1) Conversation (Assalamu ‘alaykum)
PDF Textbook & MP3 files
Version: Third Edition
Letters (group 2) Conversation (How are you)
Letters (group 3) Numbers (1 – 10) Conversation (Greetings)
Letters (group 4) “Ta marboota” Conversation (What’s your name?)
Letters (group 5) Conversation (How are you?)
Letters (group 6) Conversation (Where are you from?)
Long & short Vowels
Shaddah (Stress)
Tanween (Nunnation)
Price : USD $10
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Abdusamad Yousef |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | August 29, 2015 |
Media Arabic Books
News Book 1

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This book contains short headlines composed of one to three short sentences recorded from Yemen Radio. The book contains 12 lessons, each lesson is accompanied by several exercises and drills to help students acquire Media Vocabulary and phrases. This book is the core textbook for Beginner Low, and Beginner High levels as explained at Media Arabic In the Media Arabic classes, the teacher will use News book 1 for 50% of the course materials, and provides more updated headlines in the same order of this book.
Price : USD $12
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Ameen Al-Ward |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
News Book 2

PDF Textbook & MP4 files
This book contains headlines composed of short paragraphs recorded from Aljazeera TV, and other Arab TV channels. The book contains 12 lessons, each lesson is accompanied by several exercises and drills to help students communicate and discuss political issues, economic news, environmental problems, weather, and natural disasters . This book is the core textbook for Intermediate Low, and Intermediate High levels as explained at Media Arabic In the Media Arabic classes, the teacher will use News book 2 for 50% of the course materials, and provides more updated headlines in the same order of this book.
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, <br>Ossama Ali<br/> |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
News Book 3

PDF Textbook & MP4 files
This book contains headlines composed of longer paragraphs recorded from Different Arab TV channels. The book contains 12 lessons, each lesson is accompanied by several exercises and to enable students participate in longer discourse. The lessons contain various topics such as political issues, economic reports, political conflicts and events, environment, and natural disasters . This book is the core textbook for Advanced level as explained at Media Arabic In the Media Arabic classes, the teacher will use News book 3 for 50% of the course materials, and provides more updated news in the same structure of this book.
Price : USD $14
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, <br>Ossama Ali<br/> |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
listening and Speaking books
listening and Speaking 1

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This 53-page book contains recorded basic conversations including: greetings, Introduction, Nice to meet you, What’s your job, where do you live, exchanging money, buying bread, where is your house, taking a taxi, taking a bus, what’s the time, important places in the city, how is the weather, names of the year, food and drinks, at the restaurant, vegetables, fruit, at the market, at the grocery, house furniture, clothes, vocabulary at the kitchen, Days and months, basic vocabulary.
This book is a partial syllabus of Novice-Low level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Author: | Jameel Al-Bazili, Mokhtar Al-Hammadi, Abdulsamad Yousef, Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
listening and speaking 2

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This 31-page book contains recorded beginner conversations including:
Important questions, at the airport, at the hotel, at the restaurant, family, at the street, Sorry I am late, at the fruit shop, weather, booking a tourist trip, and talking about the trip,
This book is a partial syllabus of Novice-Mid level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Price : USD $9
Author: | Jameel Al-Bazili, Mokhtar Al-Hammadi, Abdulsamad Yousef, Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Listening and speaking 3

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This 57-page book (known as Freed book 1) contains recorded conversations with a main character called Freed. The conversations include: Introduction, telephone call, exchanging money, Freed purchases a mobile, Fareed and his friend Adnan at Ashaibani Restaurant, Fareed goes to local the market, Fareed wants to continue his Arabic studies, Fareed starts his first lesson, Fareed does his homework, Fareed visits the manager’s house, Fareed inquires about a sports club in Sana’a, Fareed at the hair-cut shop, Fareed buys a newspaper, Fareed inquiries about a trip to Aden, Fareed talks about his trip to Aden, Fareed prepares for the final exam, Fareed succeeds in the final test, Fareed chews Qat, Fareed is ill, Fareed receives a call from Adnan, Fareed confirms his flight, and Fareed purchases gifts for his family.
This book is a partial syllabus of Novice-High level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Price : USD $13
Author: | Jameel Al-Bazili, Mokhtar Al-Hammadi, Abdulsamad Yousef, Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Listening and Speaking 4

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This 49-page book (known as Freed book 2) contains extended recorded conversations with Freed. The conversations contain: Freed returns to Yemen, Freed arranges his lessons at the Arabic institute, Freed inquires Adnan about the marriage customs in Yemen, Freed inquires about leisure times in Yemen, Freed inquiries about religious occasions, Freed inquiries about national holidays in Yemen, Freed inquiries about friendships in Yemen, Freed inquiries about education in Yemen, Freed meets a Yemeni woman, Freed inquiries about Ramadan, Freed inquiries about summer holiday in Yemen, Freed inquiries about sports in Yemen, Freed faces a water problem this morning, Freed inquiries about insurance in Yemen, Freed inquiries about Arab generosity, Freed asks his friend about how fathers prepare their children for future, and Freed wants to know news on TV and Radio.
This book is a partial syllabus of Intermediate-Low level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Price : USD $13
Author: | Jameel Al-Bazili, Mokhtar Al-Hammadi, Abdulsamad Yousef, Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Listening and Speaking 5

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This 50 page-book known as James Book 1, contains conversations between a foreign student called James and Yemeni friends mainly Mokhtar. The conversations contain Qat and Smoking, drugs and stimulants, people & religion, with the taxi driver, tourism, markets, family, Ramadan, Tribe, newspaper, Non-governmental Organizations, Nature Description, and Art.
This book is a partial syllabus of Intermediate-Mid level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Price : USD $14
Author: | Jameel Al-Bazili, Mokhtar Al-Hammadi, Abdulsamad Yousef, Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Listening and speaking 6

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This 66-page book known as James Book 2, contains conversations between a foreign student called James and Yemeni friends mainly Mokhtar. The conversations contain Introduction, at Environment Center, Population in the Arab World, Communication in the Arab society, Islamic Banks, Women in the Arab society, Arab Child, Poverty, Social Takaful in the Arab society, Ethical System, Peace process between Palestinians and Israel, Nostalgia to the past, Civilization conflicts between East and West, political regimes, Arab Human Rights, Ibn Khaldoon, and Islamic Jurisprudence.
This book is a partial syllabus of Intermediate-High level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Price : USD $17
Author: | Jameel Al-Bazili, Abdulsamad Yousef, Mokhtar Al-Hammadi,Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Reading and Grammar Books
Reading and Grammar 1

PDF Textbook
This 19-page book is a reading and writing exercise textbook introducing basic Arabic grammar with writing exercises. The book includes the following topics: This is Ahmed and this is Fatima, This is my classroom, what do you do?, Revision1, I don’t study on Friday, My family, What did you do yesterday, and Revision 2.
This book is a partial syllabus of Beginner-Low level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Jameel Al-Bazili, Mabkhoot Al-Ezzi, Abdulsamad Yousef |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Reading and Grammar 2

PDF Textbook
This 45-page book is a reading and writing exercise textbook introducing basic Arabic grammar with writing exercises. The book includes the following topics: My garden, Yemeni Clothes, Thomas, Weather& the 4 seasons, Kareem, the conjugation of because & but, Akram, Husam and Fatima, Akram and his Son, and Writing informal letter.
This book is a partial syllabus of Beginner-Mid level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Jameel Al-Bazili, Mabkhoot Al-Ezzi, Abdulsamad Yousef |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Reading and Grammar 3

This 81-page book is a reading and writing exercise textbook introducing reading stories and more Arabic grammar for beginner students with writing exercises.
The book includes the following topics:
The result of disagreement, TV, Transportations, You get as you work, Jokes, Medicine in Food, and Famous women.
You will get a PDF (5MB) file
Price: USD13
Reading and Grammar 4

PDF Textbook
This 76-page book is a reading and writing exercise textbook introducing reading stories and more Arabic grammar for Intermediate students with writing exercises. The book includes the following topics: Water and Life, Luqman’s Wisdom, There is a benefit from a defect, Heroism and Mercy, Friends Vary, Fox’s teeth are signs of its evil, Sports, Farmer’s life, and Cat and Sea.
This book is a partial syllabus of Intermediate-low level of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Jameel Al-Bazili, Mabkhoot Al-Ezzi, Abdulsamad Yousef |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Reading and Grammar 5

PDF Textbook
This 94-page book is a reading and writing exercise textbook introducing reading stories and more Arabic grammar for Intermediate students with writing exercises. The book includes the following topics: Women’s Rights in Islam, Carrier-Pigeon, Shark, Ibn Annafees, and Ibn Al-Haytham.
This book is a partial syllabus of Intermediate-Mid, and Intermediate-High levels of the MSA 9-level program taught at YIAL.
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Jameel Al-Bazili, Mabkhoot Al-Ezzi, Abdulsamad Yousef |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Yemeni Arabic Books
Yemeni Arabic for Beginners

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This book contains 24 basic conversations from the daily situations inside and outside the house, with family and friends. Besides, it contains grammar drills to train students acquire the structure of Yemeni Arabic in affirmative and negative manners. The conversations are recorded in mp3, with additional recordings for the conversations in a story style. This books is the syllabus of Beginner-low level of the 5-level Yemeni Arabic program developed at YIAL.
Author: | Abduljaleel Al-Bazeli, Jameel Al-Bazili, Ghilan Rubi’a, Ghalib Hizam, |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Yemeni Arabic (Situations from daily life)

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This book contains 40 basic conversations composed of famous expressions and sayings from the daily Yemeni situations The conversations are recorded in mp3 and followed by short drills to develop students listening and speaking skills. This books is the syllabus of Beginner-High level of the 5-level Yemeni Arabic program developed at YIAL.
Author: | Muhammad Al-Salahi, Jameel Al-Bazili |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Yemeni Arabic (Peter in Sana’a)

PDF Textbook & MP3 files
This book contains 14 conversations designed for intermediate level. The conversations are recorded in MP3, and accompanied by comprehension questions. This books is the syllabus of Intermediate-Low level of the 5-level Yemeni Arabic program developed at YIAL.
Price : USD $12
Author: | Abdulsamad Yousef, Abdullah Siraj |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | September 12, 2014 |
Yemeni Arabic (Ifhamni SaH)

PDF Textbook & MP3,MP4 files
Ifhamni SaH textbook is composed of 20 lessons of Yemeni Arabic. It is designed as the main textbook for students who learn Yemeni Arabic in the Intermediate high level. The lessons vary to include Yemeni proverbs, discussions on a few issues, short tales, and chosen extracts from Yemeni drama called (Keeni Meeni) which was shown on Yemen TV. This textbook is supported by mp3 and mp4 recordings.
Price : USD $16
Author: | Abdussamad Yusuf, Jameel Al-Bazili |
Category: | E-Books |
Date: | August 10, 2015 |