1- TransferWise
A- Transferring Course Fees in USD from USA:
Account holder: AlifBa Resources
Routing number: 084009519
Account number: 9600002504733467
Account type: Checking
Wise’s address: 19 W 24th Street, New York NY 10010, United States.
AlifBa Resources is using Wise to receive US dollar payments. You can send money to these details from any bank in the US.
B- Transferring Course Fees in USD from Outside USA:
Account Holder: AlifBa Resources
Account number: 8311433384
Wise’s address: 19 W 24th Street, New York NY 10010, United States.
AlifBa Resources is using Wise to receive US dollar payments. They can only receive SWIFT payments from some countries — so please check this article before you send anything: https://wi.se/usd-swift-countries
C- Here are the EUR account details for AlifBa Resources:
Account holder: AlifBa Resources
IBAN: BE92 9672 5939 3423
Wise’s address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium.
AlifBa Resources is using Wise to receive euro payments. You can send money to these details from any bank in the Eurozone.
2- PayPal
Our PayPal account is alifba@yialarabic.com Please make sure you send the fees in USD and to be received at our account in USD not in Malaysian Ringgit. Students are required to add extra 5% of the amount to cover PayPal fees.
3- MoneyGram
At your teacher’s name, and you include his/her mobile number, and you notify us. It just takes a few minutes.
• Please, make the transfer in USD.
• The transfer code should be emailed to YIAL director to follow up.
• Students get confirmation upon receiving the payment.
4- Xpress Money
At your teacher’s name, you include his/her mobile number, and you notify us. Purpose: Arabic lessons. It just takes a few minutes.
• Please, make the transfer in USD.
• Students get confirmation upon receiving the payment.