All advanced courses can be molded to fit the individual needs of the student, though a student must have a sufficiently solid foundation in Arabic to begin taking advanced courses (passing Intermediate-High level of our standard course in MSA with excellent marks is generally sufficient to begin at the lowest levels of the advanced courses). Advanced Courses include:

Arabic literature Course

This course aims to introduce students to stages of Arabic literature evolution and its various types, literary and critic terminologies, artistically and theme characteristics, samples of poetry, prose, and narrative masterpieces, some prominent literary figures (ancient and contemporary), aspects of influence and impact of foreign literature on Arabic literature, and methods of critique and study.

Modern and Contemporary Yemeni literature Course

This course aims to introduce students to stages of its evolution, standard and popular types, artistically and theme characteristics, feminist Yemeni literature, samples of poetry, prose, and narrative masterpieces, and some prominent literary figures (ancient, and contemporary).

Arabic Rhetoric Course

This course aims to introduce students to rhetorical terms and concepts, a brief history of Arabic rhetoric; beginnings, causes of evolution, and stages of development, rhetorical styles; types, forms, characteristics, and their relation to semantics, and samples of rhetorical figures in everyday life.

Arabic grammar Course

This course aims to introduce students to grammar origin and causes of emergence, grammatical terminologies and concepts, relationship of grammar to semantics, grammatical functional applications, special grammatical rules and differences, grammar schools; growing conditions, and differences, and relationship of grammar to philosophy and logic.

Arabic Morphology Course

This course aims to introduce students to origin or Arabic morphology and causes of emergence, morphological terms and concepts, overlapping between morphology and grammar and between morphology and phonology, relationship between morphology and semantics, forms of nouns and verbs, simple and complex derivations, and special morphological rules and exceptions.

Islamic Culture Course

This course aims to introduce students to Islamic and Arab cultural specificities, the role of Islam in the production of culture, the role of environment and geography on culture, aesthetic aspects in the Arab and Islamic culture; architecture, calligraphy, music, singing, dancing, and fashion, religious and social occasions, aspects of impact and influence between Islamic culture and other cultures, variable and permanent aspects of culture and causes.

Islamic philosophy Course

This course aims to introduce students to terms and concepts of philosophy, philosophical schools in Islam (sects- doctrines – contemporary Islamic movements), Islamic law and philosophy; Quran, Sunnah, consensus, juristic reasoning,… etc., Islamic philosophy and other philosophies; between impact and influence, the role of mind in Islamic philosophy, Islamic philosophy and vision of the world (the five necessities, …),Islamic philosophy and its relation to politics and the economy, and religion and philosophy (Ideology and theology).

Advanced Media Course

This course aims to introduce students to terms and concepts of political science, basic principles and foundations of political science, international relations and political thought, comparative political systems, and models of ancient and contemporary politics.